Monday, September 29, 2014

The War

        Like every man who fought or are fighting in a war, they never come back the same person they once were entering the war. As shown in the movie The War, a father of 2 kids was in the war and has returned to the world in ruins. Violence appears in several scenes in the movie blaming the war for the disturbing images that will be forever a memory. Throughout the movie Stephen discovers everyday challenges in which includes renewing himself from the guilt he left behind, struggling to find a job, and lastly dealing with his post-traumatic stress disorder.
       Stephen has a great relationship with his entire family but the only thing that's stopping the family from loving him as much as he does is the violence that separates the family from him. The after life of war is painful and brutal after witnessing a friend's death or almost being shot to death. When Stephen was in the war his friend, Dodge was tragically shot. In the movie Stephen had lived with the guilt of leaving him behind as the helicopter flew away with Stephen in it. Years later Stephen goes through yet another incident similar like the one with Dodge but instead it's with his friend from work. After getting crushed with rocks in an underground tunnel Stephen made sure he got out alive. Eventually after getting him out safe another eruption of rocks came tumbling down and smashed Steven in the head. He had risked his life to safe his coworker and the outbreak of that was him getting hurt and ultimately dying from the incident. He didn't want to repeat the accident that happened to his friend so he made sure he got his other friend out and not repeating the same mistake that had already happened. It was his second chance to react his guilt into an accomplishment. When Stephen was in the war he was very selfish when it came to leaving Dodge behind. He chose himself over his friend and regretted when he returned to go home along with a lot of other stuff. But for him to reassure himself he saved his partner years after.
         Many veterans including Stephen that returned or are still returning from the war aren't getting the jobs that they want because of the side affects the war gave them. It's not a normal day to day image seeing dead bodies maybe a face that was recognizable to others laying on the ground surrounding oneself. Stephen lost several jobs because of the effects that the war gave him. He ended up in the mental hospital that lost him jobs. He ended up getting poor jobs working out on the fields effecting his plan in surprising his wife and family to a nice house. He had gone through stages of grief being confronted by his issues. He had lost his dignity from going to the war and he was lost in who he was was a person. Aside from Steven, his younger son Stu is a violent kid himself just like his father. He would get in several fights with these bullies that Elvadine his older sister would steal furnisher from their junk yard to build their treehouse. At the end of the movie after Stu and Elvadine had built their treehouse the bullies came and ruined their treehouse setting it on fire and creating their own type of "war".
           Hearing about veterans coming back from the war is devastating to hear and see what they go through everyday. The violence they put not only themselves into but their families as well is very hard to see when watching The War. Their everyday challenge that they overcome from losing their jobs to taking care of their problems from the war is a hardship. Stephen and millions of other veterans will never be the same from seeing abnormal things everyday serving in the war. War is hell and no one should ever go through these problems like veterans do today.


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