Monday, March 16, 2015

The Ceremony(Pg.164-186)

New Beginnings 
          There are certain things that some people never believe that can be fixed but little do they know that that something can. For Tayo he felt that he couldn't fix his post traumatic stress healed from the war he once served in and experiences he had to deal with. "...feeling the instant of the dawn was an event which in a single moment gathered all things together--the last stars, the mountaintops, the clouds, and the winds--celebrating this coming. The power of each day spilled over the hills in great silence. Sunrise. he ended the prayer with "Sunrise" because he knew the Dawn, people began and ended all their words with "sunrise"."(Silk 169). In this quote "sunrise" plays a big symbolic roll expressing the fact that everything always end and begin again. This healing for Tayo indicates the past memories he has dealt with being in the war where "sunrise" symbolizes the start of venturing on to something new and "dawn" resembles the end to his past war experiences that has left him guilt and regret. But there's always something that can help by keeping his mind off of those specific things. "He did not expect to find Josiah's cattle near Herefords, because the spotted cattle were so rangy and wild; but without Betonie he wouldn't have hoped to find the cattle at all. Until the previous night, old Betonie's vision of stars, cattle, a woman, and a mountain had seemed remote; he had been wary, especially after he found the stars, and they were in the north"(Silko 173). Tayo had found healing through hunting and not drinking alcohol and realizing that there's something that can change the way he feels about his past actions without putting him in danger. Its as if finding the cattle is Tayo's escaping and forgetting the past in now focusing on what matters. "He had been so intent on finding the cattle that he had forgotten all the events of the past days and past years. Hunting the cattle was good for that. Old Betonie was right. It was a cure for that, and maybe for other things too. The spotted cattle wouldn't be lost any more, scattered through his dreams, driven by hesitation to admit they had been stolen, that the land--all of it-- had been stolen from them"(Silko 178). Tayo and his post traumatic stress has given him remembrance of the things that have put him through hell when he went to the war and this quote expressed the healing process in which Tayo has remembered things can be good again. And how it's okay to forget about the past and focus on the present and the things that matter to him. After Tayo's healing process with Betonie he came to the conclusion that he can focus on the good things in his life and new beginnings will come and go.
New Life

Mother Nature 
          Women today and in years past have always gotten a reputation to always look their best everywhere they went. And Ts'eeh a women Tayo meets isn't that typical girly girl who cares about what she wears. "She was wearing a man's shirt tucked into a yellow skirt that hung below her knees. Pale buckskin moccasins reached the edge of her skirt. The silver buttons up the side of each moccasin had railbirds carved on them"(Silko 164). She isn't trying to impress anyone like a typical women would her age. Tayo starts to begin by connecting with mother nature and relating it to this women and Night Swan. "He went on dreaming while he moved inside her, and when he heard her whisper, he saw them scatter over the crest of a round bare hill, running away from him, scattering out around him like ripples in still water"(Silko 168). This quote is describing Tayo's relationship with himself, this women, and Night Swan and how this all relates back to the symbolic aspect of the color blue and the ocean itself. "The dark yellow plant from the rocky mesa stop smelled like wet tobacco; she laid it beside the ocher sandstone. And then she pulled out a long vine covered with tiny white flowers with six sharp petals like fallen stars"(Silko 170). This represents nature and the process of how rocks become stone overtime by water. Throughout a rocks life span before becoming a stone it stumbles upon other objects when it moves through the water. It is known that sandstones are a form of a rock with a different shape and size to it. It slowly makes transitions from rock into a smooth stone and this expresses how this symbolizes Tayo transforming into a new and different man.

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