Sunday, March 22, 2015

The Ceremony (Pg. 187-244)

Healing From Nature
          Nature can help people and things physically and mentally. Throughout the entire book Tayo sees that simple things including nature, Old Betonie, and Ts'eh have healed Tayo in many ways that has made him become a stronger and more willingly human being. "He lay in a shallow depression and heaped piles of dry leaves over himself until he felt warm again. He looked up through the branches and leaves, which were yellow and soft, ready to fall; the sky was heavy and dark, and purple veins striated the gray swollen clouds dragging their bellies full of snow over the mountaintop"(Silko 189). By the leaves covering Tayo like a blanket reminds him when he was carrying Rocky rapped in a blanket before his death took place soon after. Nature whether it's trees, leaves, grass, etc. symbolizes Tayo's journey he had gone through in his past life and the negativity that he was surrounded by turned out to be a healing sensation for him. But seeing dead bodies was another thing." He wanted to kick the soft white bodies into the Atlantic Ocean; he wanted to scream to all of them that they were trespassers and thieves. He wanted to follow them as they hunted the mountain lion, to shoot them and their howling dogs with their own guns"(Silko 189). Tayo had always disliked the hunters because they were destroying not just the nature but the living things around it. The imagery of the dead bodies triggers Tayo back fighting in World War II and referencing them as an allusion."The snow was covering everything, burying the mountain lion's tracks and obliterating his scent. The white men and their lion hounds could never track the lion now"(Silko 190). Tayo was realizing that nature was actually helping the mountain lion from getting killed by covering his tracks and scents from prey tracking the animal down. There are many ways in which nature can help certain things that people wouldn't realize. Without the natural surroundings people and animals would be in danger.

          Although Emo seemed to be an innocent friend in the being of the Ceremony he turned out to be an evil person who turned against Tayo."In the moonlight he could see Harley's body hanging from the fence, where they had tangled it upright between strands of barbed wire. Harley's brown skin had gone as pale as the cloudy sandstone in the moonlight, and Tayo could see blood shining on his thighs and his fingertips"(Silko 233). Little did Tayo know that all of his friends turned against him and were actually trying to kill him. But if Harley, Pinkie, and Leroy didn't do as Emo said then they would get tortured that's exactly what Harley did. He had to pay the consequences of failing them. "The destroyers. They would be there all night, he knew it, working for drought to sear the land, to kill the livestock, to stunt the corn plants and squash in the gardens, leaving people more and more vulnerable to the lies; and the young people would leave, go to towns like Albuquerque and Gallup where bitterness would lose their hope and finally themselves in drinking"(Silko 231).  After finding out that Harley, Pinkie, Leroy, and Emo all turned against Tayo then the night they started to burn everything it all clicked for him. Them four were the destroyers all along, the destroyers that Tayo has been talking about for all these years."Was Emo there? Tayo asked. Well he was the one! He did it! Pinkie was standing there, washing dishes in a pan on top of the stove. The others were sitting around the tale drinking. They say there were empty beer cans and wine bottles all over the place. Anyway, they say they got to playing around with that rifle Sarracino keeps there"(Silko 241). Emo had killed Pinkie unnoticeably.

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